
if you’d like to meet for coffee or tea, please drop me a line at:

webster [DOT] davidL1 [AT] gmail [DOT] com

feel free to reach out if anything you’ve encountered here resonates with you or if you’d like to discuss what traveling together might look like for you.

to be clear – there will never be any charges/fees/money involved in whatever transpires between us.

please know wherever, however you are traveling this journey we call life, i am with you.

even if you never leave town, never leave your neighborhood, never leave the place where you are, i am your traveling companion, open to invitations to travel together.

no matter whether our journey takes us to inner or outer worlds, no matter what the terrain, no matter what we encounter or experience, no matter how briefly or how long we are together, no matter the circumstances of our journey, i am with you.


with love, david